Decorative Door Glass
We believe in providing our customers with fresh, relative and timely decorative glass designs
Decorative Door glass adds substantial design and curb-appeal to any exterior door. It also allows for added privacy and light control. There are literally thousands of different decorative door glass designs allowing for the traditional homeowner to be overwhelmed with such a seemingly monumental decision. At TKI Products, Inc. we have strategically narrowed down our decorative door glass designs allowing for more updated, relevant and available design patterns for our customers. All of our 1” decorative and clear lite door glass is energy efficient and achieves the standard Energy Star ratings (where applicable based on glass piece size.)
We believe in providing our customers with fresh, relative and timely decorative door glass designs allowing them to decide how they want to go to market, not the other way around. TKI Products, Inc. can work with you from design inception to implementation in order to design decorative door glass families that will work for your customer base and geography. All of our decorative door glass is backed by our 10-year limited product warranty.
For more information on our decorative door glass products and services, please email inquiry@tkinc.co
For more information on our products and servicesContact TKI Sales